The finishing process is a crucial aspect of customizing metal precision parts. Polishing can improve a piece’s overall appearance, functionality, and quality. We’ve seen how a beautifully polished titanium component can make a product stand out. How do you polish titanium?

When polishing titanium, its incredible strength and corrosion resistance require special attention. You can create a mirror finish with the right combination of abrasives and compounds. This will not only look great, but it will also increase its wear resistance.

Let’s continue to explore the nuances of polishing Titanium. By understanding the nuances, we want to give you the necessary knowledge to get the best results.

Introduction To Titanium

History of Titanium

Titanium is a transition metal with the symbol “Ti” and an atomic number of 22. It has a silvery hue. William Gregor, an Englishman from Cornwall, discovered it on the sands in 1791. It was not until 1795 that Martin Heinrich Klaproth – a German chemist – independently discovered the metal. He named it Titanium after Greek mythology. This name is apt, considering the incredible strength of this metal. It took until the 20th Century to isolate titanium in its purest form.

Titanium Properties and Characteristics

Titanium is a metal that’s a wonder.

  • Strength: Titanium is known for its strength-to-weight ratio. It is as strong as steel but is 45% lighter.
  • Corrosion Resistance: Titanium has high corrosion resistance, particularly against oxygen, water, and other chemicals. Titanium’s corrosion resistance makes it a valuable material for many industrial applications.
  • Biocompatibility: Unlike other metals, titanium does not cause toxicity and is, therefore, not rejected by the human body. This property has made titanium popular for medical implants such as dental implants and joint replacements.
  • Tolerance to Temperature: This material can resist relatively high temperatures, which is essential for aerospace applications.

Uses of titanium in daily life

Titanium has been used in many aspects of daily life because of its unique properties:

  • Aerospace: Due to its strength and lightweight, titanium is an excellent choice for aircraft, engine components, space vehicles, and other aerospace structures.
  • Medical field: Due to its biocompatibility, it is the preferred material for surgical instruments and implants.
  • Sporting Equipment: Manufacturers use titanium in sports equipment like golf clubs, tennis rackets, and bicycles.
  • Consumer products: Thanks to its durability, titanium is used in watches, eyeglass frames, and laptops.
  • Jewelry: The cool, modern look of titanium rings and necklaces has made it a popular adorn option.

Why polish Titanium is essential?

Polishing can enhance the appearance and functionality of any metal. This is especially true for titanium:

  • Appearance: Polishing gives titanium a brilliant, mirror-like finish, enhancing its natural beauty. In consumer products and jewelry, where appearance matters greatly, people particularly desire this.
  • Protection: A polishing surface provides additional protection from minor scratches and abrasions.
  • Improved Corrosion Resistant: Although titanium is corrosion-resistant, the polished surface reduces microscopic crevices that could be corrosive agents.
  • Medical and food applications: A shiny titanium surface is more hygienic and smoother, reducing the risk of bacteria growth. It is, therefore, safer for food and medical applications.

Understanding Titanium’s Response to Polishing

Titanium’s Natural Oxide Layer and its Importance

Each time titanium is exposed, a thin oxide layer forms. This spontaneous layer is composed primarily of titanium dioxide. This oxide layer has several vital roles.

  • Corrosion Resistant: It acts as a barrier to protect the metal beneath from a corrosive environment. Titanium is highly resistant to corrosion, even in saline and robust acid environments.
  • Biocompatibility: The oxide layer significantly contributes to titanium’s biocompatibility. It ensures that the metal does not react or adversely affect the body when used as a medical implant.
  • Self-healing Property:This oxide layer’s self-healing property is one of its marvels. When exposed to oxygen after being scratched or damaged in any way, titanium will reform the layer. This ensures that its protective properties are not compromised.

Benefits and drawbacks of polish Titanium

There are many benefits to polishing Titanium, but there are also some considerations that you should keep in mind.


  • Enhance Aesthetics: The polishing process can give titanium a mirror finish. This makes it more appealing to jewelry, luxury products, and decorative purposes.
  • The smoothness of the surface: The smoothness of a character can reduce friction and be beneficial in specific mechanical applications.
  • Better Cleanliness: A smoother surface is easier to clean, especially in the food and medical sectors.


  • Remove Oxide Layer: Polishing can remove the protective oxide layers. This layer will eventually reform itself, but the newly polished surface may be more reactive for a moment.
  • Microscopical Imperfections: If done incorrectly, polishing could introduce microscopic defects that may compromise the metal’s integrity or appearance with time.
  • Overheating: Polishing generates heat. Titanium is sensitive to high temperatures, which can cause discoloration during polishing.

The Science Behind Polish Titanium

Light interacts with a polished surface of titanium to produce the sparkle. Light rays are scattered in different directions when titanium is not shiny or rough. This scattering of reflections gives the character a matte or dull appearance.

When titanium is polished, it becomes:

  • Uniform reflection: The surface becomes smoother, allowing light to reflect in an even more consistent way. Our eyes see this unified reflection as shine or luster.
  • Reduced Light Absorption: The polished surface enhances the reflective properties.
  • Depth of Shine: The polishing compound and technique can influence the shine level. You can adjust these variables to get a range from a subtle glow to a brilliant mirror-like reflection.
Light interacts with a polished surface of titanium to produce the sparkle.

Safety First: Polish Titanium Precautions

It is essential always to keep safety in mind, especially when dealing with metals or machinery. We will now discuss the crucial aspects of polishing titanium safely.

Essential Safety Equipment

It’s essential to have the right tools before you start polishing Titanium. What you’ll need is:

  • Safety goggles: Protect the eyes from flying debris and titanium particles that may come off while shining.
  • Face Mask or Respirator: Wear a respirator or face mask to protect yourself from breathing in dust. You can save yourself by wearing a respirator or a show.
  • Ear Protection: The noise of polishing machines is loud, and repeated exposure can damage hearing. Wear earmuffs or earplugs to protect your ears.
  • Wear protective clothing: To prevent titanium particles from adhering to your skin, wear a long-sleeved t-shirt, pants, and closed-toed footwear.
  • Gloves: Use gloves to avoid accidental cuts and abrasions when handling titanium pieces.

Creating a Safe Polishing Titanium Environment

Your environment is as important as your equipment when it comes to polishing:

  • Ventilation: Ensure you ventilate the work area well. This will help disperse dust from Titanium and maintain good air quality.
  • Dust Extraction: Invest in an adequate dust extraction system. This will collect the titanium dust particles immediately, ensuring they do not linger in the air or settle onto surfaces.
  • Regular Cleaning: Clean the work area thoroughly after each polishing session. It is essential to ensure that no titanium particles remain behind.
  • Safe storage of polishing compounds: Keep all polishing compounds, especially those that may be reactive or flammable, in a dry, cool place away from potential ignition sources.
  • Emergency Protocols: Always have a first-aid kit and train all employees in basic first-aid procedures. Also, prepare an emergency plan for any unplanned incidents.

Health Effects of Titanium Dust

Titanium is a biocompatible metal. This means that it is generally safe for human use. Inhaling titanium dust can still be harmful.

  • Respiratory irritation: Long-term exposure to titanium dust may irritate the respiratory tract.
  • Allergies to Titanium: Some people may be allergic. It’s rare, but it is possible. The symptoms can include skin rashes and respiratory symptoms.


  • Minimize exposure: Wear the appropriate safety equipment, and make sure that dust extraction systems and other protective measures are in place.
  • Medical checks: If you’re working with Titanium regularly, it’s advisable to have periodic medical examinations to ensure there’s no adverse effect on your lungs or skin.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up to date with the latest health and safety information about Titanium. Knowledge is your best defense.

Essential Tools for Polish Titanium

It can be exciting to enter the world of titanium polishing. It is a night and day difference in both appearance and feel between a polished and unpolished piece of Titanium. Like any craft, tools are crucial to the outcome.

Machine Polishing Tools vs. Hand Polishing Tools

Hand polishing: Hand-polished pieces are often intricate or delicate and require precision.

  • Cloths for polishing: Soft cotton or microfiber cloths are ideal for light surface polishing.
  • Abrasive papers: Start with coarser grits and then move to finer ones to refine the titanium surface.
  • Buffing Pads: Use with polishing compounds for a final shine.

Machine polishing: When you need a consistent finish or larger pieces, machine polishing will be the best option.

  • Buffers/Polishing Machines: Manufacturers design these powerful tools to grip and spin polishing pads at high speeds.
  • Angle Grinders: Use with buffing wheels or compounds to polish more aggressively.
  • Dremel tools: Ideal for small pieces or detailed work, with many attachments available.

Different Types of Polishing compounds and their Roles

To achieve the desired shine, you will need polishing compounds. These compounds come in various forms and grits.

  • Solid Compounds: Solid Compounds often resemble soap bars in shape. You can apply them to the spinning wheel or pad before polishing.
  • Compounds in liquid form: Easy to use, especially for larger surfaces.
  • Grit levels: You can categorize compounds based on their abrasiveness. They range from coarse to ultrafine. Start with a more coarse material and work to a finer one for best results.
  • Specialized titanium compounds: Although most metal polishing compounds are effective on Titanium, some aim specifically to give the best finish.

Source Quality Tools and Compounds

You can affect the quality of your polish by the tools and compounds you use. Here are a few guidelines:

  • Reputable Manufacturers: Only purchase tools and compounds made by reputable manufacturers. This will ensure durability, safety, and effectiveness.
  • Read online reviews and ask for recommendations.
  • Quality Over Price: Although it may be tempting to choose cheaper products, they will last longer and produce better results.
  • Local vs. international: We source globally at Shengen to ensure we get the best. Local suppliers are convenient, but sometimes, international suppliers offer superior tools or compounds.
Machine Polishing Tools vs. Hand Polishing Tools

Pre-polishing Preparations

Setting the right stage is essential before you begin the exciting task of polishing titanium. Preparing your canvas is similar to what an artist does. Preparation is vital to achieving the desired outcome. This article will take you through the trials for pre-polishing.

Cleaning Titanium Surface

It’s essential to begin with a clean surface, even if the titanium piece appears in good condition. Here’s how:

  • Soap and Water: Start washing the Titanium with water and mild soap. This simple step will remove minor contaminants such as fingerprints and oils.
  • Solvent Cleaning: Use acetone or isopropyl ethanol to remove more stubborn residues such as grease and adhesives. Wear gloves and make sure you have good ventilation.
  • Ultrasonic Cleaning: You can use an ultrasonic cleaning machine to clean intricate pieces. Ultrasonic waves can help remove tiny particles from difficult-to-reach areas.

Dry the Titanium thoroughly after cleaning to avoid water marks or oxidation when polishing.

Assessment of the Current Status of Titanium

It’s important to know where you are starting from before you can decide where you want your journey to take you:

  • Scratches and Imperfections: Look for visible imperfections such as scratches, dents, or blemishes. These areas require extra attention or pretreatment before polishing.
  • Identify the previous finish: If you have treated or coated the Titanium before, please identify the type. You should remove some finishes before polishing.
  • Surface Hardness: Titanium’s surface hardness can vary depending on the alloy and its treatment. You can test its hardness by using different grits of abrasive paper.

Determine the type of finish desired.

The finishes that you can achieve with Titanium are diverse:

  • Mirror Finish: The Titanium is polished to the highest shine. It looks like it’s reflected in a mirror. This requires multiple polishing stages, from coarse to ultrafine compounds.
  • Satin Finish: This matte, smooth finish gives Titanium a soft glow. You often achieve this using fine to medium grits.
  • Textured finish: You can create textures using special tools and techniques if you want something different.
  • Custom Finishes: A project may require a particular finish. It could be brushed, hammered, or patterned. A clear vision will help guide you through the polishing process.

Hand Polish Titanium Methods

Hand polishing can be an art. Every stroke and every movement is a dance between the artist and the material. Hand polishing is a brilliant process that requires attention to detail and a tactile connection between the artist and the Titanium. Let’s explore this fascinating world.

Hand-Polish Titanium Materials and Tools

Although hand polishing is easier than machine polishing, it’s essential to choose the right tools:

  • Abrasive papers: You need a range of abrasive paper grits, from coarse to ultrafine. They smooth out scratches and prep the surface for a final shine.
  • Cleaning Cloths: Use soft, lint-free cloths made from cotton or microfiber to avoid introducing new scratches.
  • Polishing Compounds: You may need different compounds depending on your desired finish. Start with the coarser mixes, then work to the finer combinations for best results.
  • Buffering Pads: People use these with compounds to achieve the final gleaming finish.

How to Polish Titanium: A Step-by-Step Guide

  • Preparation: Start with a clean, dry surface. Follow the steps for pre-polishing outlined in the preceding section.
  • Start with Abrasive Papers: Use the coarsest possible paper to remove imperfections. Remember to use long, even strokes and to only move in one direction.
  • Moving to Finer Grits: Gradually progress to finer grits, removing all scratches from the previous determination.
  • Using Polishing Compounds: Once you’ve smoothed the surface, apply a small amount of your chosen compound to the polishing cloth.
  • Polishing: Apply even, firm pressure and use circular motions. Letting the compound work for you is essential, so reapply it as necessary.
  • Final buffing: Remove any remaining compound with a clean cloth or new buffing pad after polishing the Titanium. This will reveal the shine underneath.

Tips to Achieve a Uniform Finish

  • Consistent pressure: Apply even pressure during the entire polishing process. This will ensure a uniform finish and help avoid patches.
  • Movement Direction: When using abrasive paper, moving in the same direction will help to achieve a consistent grain.
  • Rotate your clothes regularly: You’ll prevent compound buildup and always have a clean surface.
  • Lighting: Lighting is essential. It can help identify scratches, imperfections, or areas needing more work.
  • Patience is vital: hand polishing takes time and patience. Precision and care are more important than speed. Take your time, and you will see the results.
Tips to Achieve a Uniform Finish

Machine Polish Titanium Techniques

Machines have a special allure – they are precise, consistent, and can consistently deliver perfect results. Machines are a vital ally in the world of titanium polishing. At Dongguan Shengen Metal Co., Ltd., the machines ensure our clients get only the best finishes. These machines are more than just tools. They’re partners in our quest for excellence. Let’s explore the world of machine polish titanium.

How to Choose the Right Machine for Titanium Polishing

The foundation of any successful polish titanium procedure is selecting the suitable machine:

  • Bench Grinder with Buffing Wheels: These machines are ideal for small and medium-sized parts. Ensure the motor maintains RPM even when the titanium is under load.
  • Sanding Orbitals: They provide uniform and consistent sanding, making them ideal for pre-polishing.
  • Lathes for polishing: Designers create these machines for more oversized items and industrial uses. They have larger buffing wheels as well as more powerful motors.
  • Specialized Titanium Polishers: Some devices are designed explicitly for titanium and take into consideration its unique properties. A titanium polisher can be beneficial if your primary work revolves around the metal.

Machine Polish Titanium Guide: Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Safety first: Wear all protective gear before you begin, including safety goggles and gloves.
  • Preparation: Cleanse the titanium piece thoroughly, as described in the section on pre-polishing practices.
  • Choosing the Right Attachment: Selecting the Right Attachment For initial grinding or sanding, use the appropriate abrasive discs or wheels. To prevent contamination, make sure they are compatible.
  • Start with a Coarse Grind: With hand polishing, start with a coarser grain to remove deep scratches and imperfections.
  • Gradually move to finer Grits. As the surface smoothens, use finer grits. Choose a suitable polishing compound for each stage.
  • Maintain Consistent Speed: Make sure the speed of your machine is constant. Overheating can occur if you go too fast; the opposite is true if you go too slowly.
  • Final buffing: After achieving the desired finish, use a clean pad or wheel to bring out the shine.

Automated Systems for Industrial Applications

Industries valuing efficiency and scale frequently adopt automated polishing systems.

  • Robotic Polishing System: These systems are programmable and use robotic arms to polish parts precisely.
  • Conveyor Belt Systems: Conveyor belt systems are ideal for small pieces that require consistent finishing. While details move along the conveyor belt, they go through different polishing stages.
  • Quality checks integrated: Modern systems come with cameras and sensors that ensure the quality of each piece in real-time.

Advanced Polishing Titanium Techniques

Technology has evolved to provide us with new methods of metal finishing that are redefining the limits of what is possible. We’ll explore some cutting-edge techniques that are changing the face of titanium polishing.

Electrolytic Polishing

The electrolytic polishing process is also known as “electropolishing,” whereby titanium is immersed in an electrolytic liquid and subjected to an electric current. What magic can this do?

  • The Process: They use a titanium piece as the anode. They submerge the cathode in the solution, typically made of stainless steel, copper, or other metals. The raised surfaces of the titanium will dissolve faster when an electric current passes than the recessed ones, resulting in a mirror finish.
  • Benefits: Apart from the exceptional finish, electropolishing also enhances corrosion resistance by removing embedded contaminants and forming a passive oxide layer.
  • ApplicationsBeneficial for intricate designs and internal surfaces, which are difficult to polish using traditional methods.

Plasma Polishing

This technique is a powerful way to harness the power of plasma and achieve unmatched precision.

  • The Process: Plasma Polishing is a process that uses a mixture of gases which, when exposed to an electric field, transform into plasma. The plasma interacts with titanium surfaces, smoothing and polishing them.
  • Benefits: This method offers high precision and consistency. It reduces the possibility of deformation that can occur when using mechanical methods.
  • Application: This is especially suitable for micro-components, precision instruments, and other applications where traditional methods may fall short.

Chemical Polishing

Chemical polishing is a unique method that utilizes the titanium’s reactive nature.

  • The process: They immerse the titanium in a chemical solution. These chemicals react to the surface of the titanium, removing the peaks.
  • Benefits: A chemical polish can produce a uniform finish. It’s non-mechanical, so there is no risk that the piece will be deformed or stressed.
  • Applications: Because it is non-abrasive, this method is ideal for delicate titanium or thin pieces of metal that could be damaged using other methods.

After-polishing care:

You’ve got that beautiful mirror finish on your titanium item. It’s a stunning piece. As with anything beautiful, it requires care and attention. As a painting of a masterpiece is not hung up and then forgotten, so too does your polished titanium deserve to be maintained. I’ll share some tried and tested tips to sustain that mesmerizing sheen.

How to Clean and Store Polished Titanium

A blank canvas is essential for every masterpiece:

  • Regular Cleaning: Wipe your polished titanium gently with a soft, non-lint cloth to remove fingerprints. Use a mild detergent, rinse with distilled and then dry.
  • Avoiding Abrasives: Avoid abrasive cleaners and scouring pads. They can scratch surfaces, reducing the shine we have worked hard to obtain.
  • Storing With Care: Store Titanium Items in a Dry, Cool Place, Preferably in a Soft Pouch or Cloth Wrap to Protect Them from Dust and Accidental Scratches.

Maintenance of Shine

Regular maintenance is the key to lasting beauty:

  • Routine Inspection: Check your titanium pieces regularly for minor scratches or signs of wear. Early detection makes rectification easier.
  • Re-polishing: Even with the best care, titanium will eventually lose its shine. Professional re-polishing periodically can restore the original luster.
  • Avoid Harsh Environments: Do not expose your titanium products to harsh chemicals or extreme temperatures.

Protective Coatings

An extra layer of security can sometimes make a big difference.

  • Sealants for Titanium: Sealants are explicitly designed for titanium and provide a protective coating, protecting against scratches and elements.
  • Oxide Layer Enhancement: The oxide layer of titanium is the shield. You can enhance this layer to boost titanium’s appearance and protection.
  • Coatings that prevent fingerprints benefit items like jewelry and everyday tools. They help to eliminate unsightly smudges.

Avoiding Common Mistakes in Titanium Polishing

The journey to perfection often faces many obstacles. These pitfalls are often costly regarding the delicate task of titanium polishing. By avoiding these mistakes, you can maintain the luster of titanium.

Surface Damage and Over-polishing

If not done with care, polishing can be a two-edged blade:

  • The risk: An over-enthusiastic approach to polishing could lead to removing too much material. This can weaken the piece or change its shape.
  • The Remedy: Use minimal pressure and be gentle, especially when hand-polishing. It’s easier to add a bit of polish to a surface if necessary than to repair damage.
  • Words of Wisdom: Be vigilant and check the surface of the titanium for signs that it is wearing down or becoming thinner.

Use Incorrect Polishing Compounds

Every metal has a preferred polishing compound, just as every dish requires its unique spice.

  • The Risk: A too-abrasive compound can cause scratches on titanium. A mild combination can be effective and save time.
  • Remedy: Make sure the polishing compound is explicitly designed for titanium or recommended because of its hardness.
  • Test the mix first on a small area before polishing the entire piece. You can then test the mixture to ensure it is effective and does not damage the titanium.

When professional polishing is needed, you may need to recognize its need.

The DIY approach is only sometimes the best one.

  • The risk: Complex design, deep scratches, or specialized finishes may be beyond the abilities of amateur polishing efforts, resulting in potential damage or unsatisfactory outcomes.
  • The remedy: Know when to give a piece a professional touch. We’re here at Shengen to ensure your titanium looks as good as it should.
  • The Golden Rule: Consult when in doubt. It’s better to be safe than sorry when you seek our advice or professional services.
professional polishing

Case studies: Examples of Titanium Polishing

Each project is unique, with its story, challenges, and intricacies. These case studies demonstrate our capabilities and give insight into titanium polishing and its many applications.

Polishing titanium for jewelry applications

The Challenge: A renowned jewelry designer approached us to create a high-gloss surface on a set of titanium rings with intricate carvings.

The Process: They chose hand polishing due to the delicate details. Our artisans used soft buffing and fine-grained polishing agents to sharpen the intricate carvings while achieving the desired finish.

The result: The polished rings are nothing less than spectacular. They reflect light in an enchanting dance. The polished titanium was the star of this jewelry line, shining in all its radiant, unique glory.

Industrial Polishing for Aerospace Parts

The challenge: A company in the aerospace industry needed polished titanium parts to look good and withstand extreme temperatures and possible abrasion by space particles.

The Process: We chose machine polishing to achieve a uniform, robust finish. We used advanced equipment. After the polishing, they tested the parts to ensure they met all the standards.

The outcome: The polished components not only met but exceeded the requirements of the aerospace company. Their performance in space solidified our reputation for providing industrial-grade titanium shiny parts.

How to achieve mirror finishes on decorative pieces.

The Challenge: A designer of interiors was looking for sizeable mirror-finished titanium panels. They intended these panels to be the centerpiece of a grand hotel lobby.

The Process: Due to the large size of the panels and the requirement for a perfect finish, we used machine and hand polishing methods. Our artisans refined the surfaces precisely, as the machines provided the initial polish.

The Outcome: The panels installed became the talk of the town. The mirror-like finish reflected perfectly the opulence and luxury of the hotel. It became a popular photo spot among guests.


The unique challenges of Polish titanium are a testament to expertise and dedication in sheet metal fabrication. We are proud of our commitment and knowledge at Shengen. While the process may seem simple, it requires a combination of science, artistry, and Shengen magic to achieve that perfect shine.

I appreciate you allowing us to share with you our knowledge. Shengen will be there if you need sheet metal fabrication or have any questions.


How often should I clean titanium items?

The frequency of polishing an item varies based on its usage and exposure. For frequently handled items, like titanium jewelry, you should polish them regularly to maintain their shine. Items occasionally used or kept in controlled settings might require less frequent polishing. You should consider polishing if you spot wear or scratches on the item.

Is it possible to polish titanium rings at home?

You can use appropriate materials and techniques to polish titanium rings at home. A soft cloth with a mild polishing agent can remove minor scratches and maintain shine. Professional buffing may be better for deeper scratches or to achieve specific finishes.

Does polishing weaken titanium?

Polishing titanium does not weaken it if done correctly. It merely refines its surface. Over-polishing or polishing incorrectly can alter the natural oxide layer of the material, affecting its properties. To avoid over-polishing, you must use the correct techniques.

What are the signs that excessive polishing of titanium is occurring?

Over-polishing can cause:

  • Thinner material that is more prone to dents or deformation.
  • Alteration of or removal from the protective oxide coating making it susceptible to corrosion.
  • Surfaces uneven or material distortion.
  • The titanium piece has lost its intricate designs or details.

You must recognize these signs and stop polishing them immediately to prevent damage.

Is there an alternative to the traditional polishing method?

Certainly! Although hand and machine polishing are both common, technological advancements have led to the introduction of alternatives. The advanced electrolytic, plasma, and chemical polishing technologies offer unique benefits, particularly for specific finishes or industrial applications. Each method provides pros and cons. It’s essential to select the best option based on your desired result and the type of titanium.


More Resources:

Titanium – Source: Wikipedia

The Difference Between Hand Polishing and Machine Polishing – Source: Super Ceramic Coating

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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