We at Shengen understand the complexities of metal fabrication. I want to focus on a subject close to Shengen’s heart: Hard Coat Anodizing. We use this process to improve the appearance and durability of our products. This technique is a cornerstone of our commitment to innovation and quality. As technical director, I have seen how hard coat anodizing can transform ordinary metal components into extraordinary products.

The hard coat anodizing process, also called Type III anodizing or Type 3 hard coat anodizing, is an electrochemical procedure that produces a dense and complex layer on the surface of aluminum parts. This process increases the metal’s corrosion resistance, wear resistance, and surface toughness.

We understand how important it is to our customers that their components last longer and perform more efficiently. This is why we offer hard coat anodizing. Learn more about how this process can benefit your business.

Hard Coat Anodizing

Understanding Hard Coat Anodizing

What Is Hard Coat Anodizing? 

The term “hard coat anodizing” is not just a buzzword. This is a form of anodizing that’s used primarily for aluminum. This electrochemical procedure transforms metal surfaces into durable corrosion-resistant and anodic oxide finishes. Hard coat anodizing is thicker than standard anodizing and provides superior wear resistance.

Hard coat anodizing, while great for most applications, is best for extreme environments. The main difference is the hardness and thickness of the oxide coating. Standard anodizing produces a thin layer suitable for decorative or light-wearing applications. Hard coat anodizing produces a thicker layer that is ideal for heavy-duty applications. This is important for our clients, who depend on the durability of their components under challenging conditions.

Hard Coat Anodizing Process

Preparation for Anodizing

Preparation is essential before diving into the pool. We meticulously prepare and clean the aluminum surfaces at Shengen. Removing any residues or impurities is essential for the anodizing procedure’s effectiveness. Surfaces must be clean and free of oils, greases, or other contaminants. This step is crucial for a uniform, durable anodized coating.

The right material choice is also essential. Some aluminum alloys do not lend themselves to hard coat anodizing. Some alloys are more resistant to anodizing than others. We are experts at selecting the material that will produce the best results.

Anodizing Procedure

We follow the anodizing process step-by-step. We immerse the aluminum in an electrolytic liquid, usually sulfuric acid. After applying the electrical current, we coat the surface with an oxide layer. This layer is part of the metal and is more complex than the base aluminum.

The outcome of the process is affected by several parameters. We control the composition of the anodizing electrolyte and the temperature to achieve the desired properties and thickness. We have perfected these parameters at Shengen to ensure consistent quality.

Post-Anodizing Treatments

The parts are not yet ready after anodizing. After anodizing, we subject the parts to various post-treatment procedures. These include sealing and coloring. Sealing is crucial for parts exposed to harsh environments. It increases the corrosion resistance. Color options are also available to add aesthetic value and functionality.

Quality assurance is of paramount importance. We test the parts rigorously to ensure that they meet our high standards. This process includes checking for hardness, wear resistance, and coating thickness. We are committed to providing high-quality components that our clients can rely on.

Post-Anodizing Treatments

Material Considerations

Aluminum Alloys

Not all aluminum is equal. We at Shengen understand that the alloy selected can significantly impact the final anodizing result. Certain alloys, like the 5000 or 6000 series, are perfect for hard coat anodizing. They provide a uniform, robust finish. The presence of magnesium and silicon enhances these alloys.

Other alloys, especially those with a high silicon or copper content, can present a challenge. These alloys may anodize unevenly or have a lower-quality finish. Understanding the subtleties of each alloy is critical. It’s crucial to balance durability, corrosion resistance, and aesthetic appeal.

Other anodize metals

Aluminum is the most prevalent metal for hardcoat anodizing. However, other metals are also capable of undergoing similar processes. Anodizing is possible on metals such as titanium, magnesium, zinc, and copper, but the results and applications differ. Titanium anodizing, for example, is used in the aerospace and medical industries because of its biocompatibility.

These alternatives do have their limitations. Anodizing metals other than aluminum can be a more complicated and expensive process. The anodic layer may not provide the same protection or wear resistance as aluminum. Exploring alternative metals, despite these challenges, can lead to new opportunities in terms of functionality.

Property and Advantages

Hardness and Durability

The natural strength of aluminum is significantly increased by hard coat anodizing. We measure the Rockwell scale to determine this improvement. Aluminum hard coat anodized can rival some steel’s hardness, making it ideal for heavy-duty uses. Hardcoat anodizing is much more durable and abrasion-resistant than other finishes, such as standard anodizing or painting. This is a crucial transformation for parts that must withstand harsh conditions while maintaining integrity.

Wear and Corrosion Resistance

Hard coat anodizing has a wide range of real-world applications. The process increases the corrosion resistance of parts, which is a crucial attribute for components used in chemically aggressive, marine, or industrial environments. Hard coat anodized components also last longer due to their wear resistance, even when subjected to constant friction and mechanical stress. Our clients benefit from this longevity in terms of cost savings and reliability.

Thermal Insulation and Electrical Insulation

Hard coat anodizing also has a positive impact on insulation, both thermal and electrical. This property is fundamental in the electronic and engineering sectors. Anodized layers act as barriers, preventing electricity flow, which is vital for electrical assemblies. The enhanced thermal insulation properties also help heat-sensitive applications by ensuring the metal beneath does not warp or degrade under extreme temperatures. The versatility of hardcoat anodizing makes it a vital process for our production in Shengen. It caters to the diverse needs of a wide range of industries.

Wear and Corrosion Resistance

Hard Coat Anodizing Applications

Industrial Applications

We’ve witnessed the impact of hard coat anodizing in various industries. The aerospace and automotive industries are in dire need of lightweight, durable components. Hard coat anodized components meet these requirements, providing resistance to extreme temperature and wear. This is crucial for aircraft and automobile components. We also serve the needs of the heavy machinery, medical device, and defense industries, where anodized components are indispensable.

Consumer Goods and Electronics

We also use hard coat anodizing in consumer electronics and goods. You can find anodized parts in everyday items such as smartphones, laptops, kitchenware, and sporting equipment. The anodized finish enhances the durability and aesthetic appeal of products by making them more resistant to corrosion and scratches. Anodized aluminum’s non-conductive qualities are especially beneficial in electronics. They provide safety and functionality to devices that we use every day.

Customized Applications

We have also explored specialized and customized applications of hard coat anodizing. Unique specifications, such as experimental research equipment or bespoke machinery, are often required for niche markets. Customizing the thickness, color, and properties of anodized layers is critical. We work closely with our clients to create solutions tailored to their needs, whether a unique artistic installation or precision-engineered parts for a specialized machine. Hard coat anodizing and Shengen stand out in the metal fabrication industry for their flexibility and innovative capabilities.

Challenges and Solutions

While hard coat anodizing is highly beneficial, it can also present challenges. We’ve overcome several issues at Shengen. Uneven coating is a common problem caused by improper cleaning or an irregular current distribution. We maintain constant electrical parameters and ensure meticulous surface prep to address this issue. A second issue is the color consistency of dyed anodized components. This problem can be solved using high-quality colors and carefully controlling the dyeing procedure.

Maintaining the thickness of anodized layers is another challenge. It can be too thin to provide adequate protection, or it can be too thick and crack. We monitor and control thickness using precision instruments throughout the entire anodizing procedure. We ensure that our products are of the highest standard and quality by identifying and correcting problems immediately.

Maintaining the thickness of anodized layers

Anodizing Technology Advancements

Anodizing is constantly evolving in the dynamic world of metal fabrication. We at Shengen keep an eye on the latest trends and innovations. Eco-friendly anodizing is a significant trend. It involves using less toxic chemicals and energy-efficient methods aligned with global sustainability goals.

The integration of digital technology in the anodizing procedure is another exciting development. Automation and precision control are more common, which allows for greater customization and consistency in anodizing. Researchers are currently developing new electrolyte formulas and treatment techniques. These advancements promise to enhance the properties of anodized layers.

Practical Aspects

Choosing a Hard Coat Anodizing Service

Choosing the exemplary service for hard coat anodizing is essential to achieve the desired results. We advise our customers to take into consideration several factors. Assess the experience and expertise of the provider in the industry. You should look for a company that has experience with hard coat anodizing. This is especially true if you want parts like the ones you require.

The quality of the service is essential. Verify their certifications and quality control processes. Ensuring that the company adheres to industry standards and produces consistent, high-quality results is vital. Consider their ability to handle the size and complexity of your project. Are they able to meet your deadline and accommodate your volume requirements?

Last, you should evaluate the customer service. A good provider is responsive, communicates clearly, and works with you to meet your requirements. These factors are essential to creating a successful business partnership.

Budgeting and Cost Factors

Budgeting is easier when you know the costs involved in hard coat anodizing. Anodizing prices can vary depending on several factors. The material’s complexity and the part’s size are essential factors. Larger or more complex components require more time and resources, which increases cost. Price is also affected by the anodizing procedure’s specifics, including the coating’s thickness and other treatments, like coloring or sealing.

Quantity is also necessary. Economies of scale often allow for lower unit costs when you produce larger batches. You should also consider additional costs such as shipping, preparation and finishing, and possible reworks.

Budgeting for hard coat anodizing is essential because it considers the cost and the value. Anodizing services can increase the performance of your parts and reduce maintenance costs. They also offer long-term financial advantages. We at Shengen strive to offer our clients cost-effective solutions without compromising quality. This ensures you get the most value for your money.


We have explored all the different aspects of hard coat anodizing, from its fundamental principles and suitable materials to the applications and challenges that it addresses. It plays a vital role in many industries, including aerospace, automotive, and consumer goods. With continued advancements in anodizing technologies and the increasing demand for durable, high-performance materials, we see a bright future.

If you’re in the metal industry or seeking durable, high-quality components, consider the benefits of hard coat anodizing. Our commitment is to deliver top-notch anodizing services tailored to your needs. For more information on how our anodizing services can enhance the performance and quality of your products, feel free to reach out to us. Together, we can create components that stand the test of time and surpass expectations.


What is the average thickness of a hard coat layer?

A hard coat anodized coating typically ranges in thickness from 25 micrometers to 75 micrometers (0.01 to 0.003 inch). Depending on the application and the desired properties, we can adjust the thickness of the hardcoat anodized layer. We tailor our anodizing processes to each client’s specific needs at Shengen.

What are the effects of hard coat anodizing on the dimensions of a component?

Due to the increased layer thickness, hard coat anodizing can slightly increase the size of a component. About half of the film penetrates the substrate during the anodizing process, while the other half builds up on the surface. A 50-micrometer coating would increase 25 micrometers. To ensure the final part is up to specification, it’s crucial to consider these dimensional changes during the design phase.

Can all aluminum alloys be hard-coated and anodized?

All aluminum alloys do not lend themselves to hard coat anodizing. Alloys containing high amounts of copper or silicon can cause problems, resulting in uneven surfaces and less durable finishes. Hard coat anodizing is more common on alloys from the 5000 or 6000 series. For optimal anodizing, it’s essential to choose a suitable aluminum alloy.

What is the difference between hard coat anodizing and powder coating?

Hard coat anodizing is generally more durable than powder coatings, particularly in hardness and wear resistance. Powder coatings are great for achieving many colors and finishes. Hard coat anodizing, however, is best for parts requiring high abrasion and environmental protection.

What are the environmental effects of hard coat anodizing?

Using electricity and chemicals in hard coat anodizing can have adverse environmental effects. Acids and other compounds are typically used in the process, which requires careful handling and disposal. We minimize these impacts at Shengen by using efficient processes, recycling waste materials, and adhering to strict environmental regulations. Our dedication extends to investigating and adopting eco-friendly methods and practices in anodizing.


More Resources:

Global trends and advancements in hard coat anodizing – Source: Medium

Environmental impacts of anodizing processes – Source: Thomasnet

Aluminum alloy – Source: Wikipedia

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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