You may have faced a situation where you must choose the best metal for a particular application. However, you needed help with all the options available. You are always looking for materials that provide the best value. It gets even more complicated when choosing materials that must meet specific physical requirements. What’s the answer? The answer?

The Metal Strength Chart helps you to understand the strengths of different metals. This tool allows you to make informed choices by analyzing metrics such as tensile strength and yield strength.

Why should you continue reading? Understanding metal strengths is vital for manufacturing, aerospace, research, and development.

Metal Strength Chart

Basics of metal strength

What is mental strength?

Metal strength is the ability of metals to withstand different types of force without failing. Let’s define some terms to understand the concept better:

Tensile Strength

It is the resistance a metal has to snap under tension. This is measured in terms of stress and gives you an idea of how far a metal can stretch before breaking.

Compressive Strength

Compressive strength is the opposite of tensile force. It measures how well a metal can resist compression. Imagine pressing two metals against each other; compressive strength will tell you when the metal will buckle or deform.

Shear Strength

Shear strength measures how well a metal can withstand sideways or sliding forces. Imagine it as the resistance of a metal to being sliced or cut.

What Factors Influence Metal Strength?

Let’s look at the factors that influence mental strength. Not all metals have the same power.

Material Composition

Metal alloys are characterized by their composition. This has a significant impact on the strength of the metal. Adding carbon to iron creates steel, which is more durable than the individual elements.

Heat Treatment

A metal’s properties can be altered by exposing it to different temperatures. For example, annealing can make a material more pliable, while quenching increases its hardness.

Manufacturing Processes

The final strength of a metal can be affected by the way it is processed, such as through forging or casting. Casting produces metals that are stronger than those made by developing.

Why Is Understanding Metal Strength Important?

Why should mental strength cause anyone to lose sleep? Here are some convincing reasons.

Structural Integrity

The strength of metal used in constructing a skyscraper or manufacturing car parts will directly impact the integrity of your final product.


It’s a waste to choose a more robust metal than you need. Opting for a weaker metal can result in early wear and tear, leading to higher costs.

Safety Implications

In industries such as aerospace and automotive, where safety is paramount, a metal component that fails because of insufficient strength can have catastrophic results.

Types of Metals

Iron Metals: The Backbone of Heavy Industry

Iron and steel alloys, as well as ferrous metals, are widely used for good reason. What makes them different?


Many types of steel are made from iron. Pure iron is soft, but it’s not used as it is due to its rust-prone nature.

Steel Alloys

Steel is iron mixed with carbon and other elements such as chromium or Nickel. Combinations are virtually endless and offer different levels of strength and corrosion resistance.

Nonferrous Metals are lighter and more corrosion-resistant.

Metals such as aluminum, titanium, and copper have unique properties, which make them a popular choice for many specialized applications.


Aluminum is lightweight and corrosion-resistant. It also has excellent electrical conductivity. Steel is more durable than steel, which can limit its use in some applications.


Copper is used for electrical wiring because of its high conductivity. I is softer than steel but highly resistant to corrosive elements. This makes it perfect for heating and plumbing applications.


Titanium has the highest strength-to-weight ratio of all metals. It is incredibly light yet powerful. This makes it a favorite for aerospace applications.

Specialty metals: The cream of the crop

Your project may require something special.


Metals that are designed to withstand extreme temperatures, pressures, and environments. These metals are resistant to corrosion and oxidation.

Precious Metals

It’s not just jewelry that uses gold, silver, and platinum. These metals have unique properties, like their high corrosion resistance and electrical conductivity. They are used in specialized applications such as electronics and catalytic converters.

Precious Metals

Understanding Metal Strength Chart

The Components and Metrics of a Metals Strength Chart

Let’s first break down the critical components of the chart.


This is the type of metal you are looking for. This column is the starting point.

Yield Strength

Yield strength is defined as the stress level at which a substance begins to deform in a plastic way. If you exceed this limit, the metal will not return to its original form.

Ultimate Strength

This is the maximum load that a material will withstand without failure. You’ll see this if you subject the material to a single instantaneous force.

How to read a metal strength chart: A User’s Guide

How do you make all of this data meaningful? Let’s take a look at it.

Units Measured

Charts typically express strength as megapascals or gigapascals. Compare apples to apples when comparing charts.

Interpretation Data

The stronger the material, the higher its yield strength and ultimate strength. Remember other properties such as flexibility or hardness.

Avoid common mistakes when using metal strength charts.

Beware of these pitfalls when using a metal strength chart.

Ignoring Temperature Effects

Metals behave differently depending on the temperature. Do not assume that the strength of a metal at room temperature is the same as at higher temperatures.

Neglecting Material Composition

Alloys made from the same base metal have different properties. Check the alloy, not the base metal.

Types of Metals Tensile Strength (PSI) Yield strength (PSI) Hardness Rockwell (B-Scale) Density (Kg/m3)
Stainless steel 304 90,000 40,000 88 8000
Aluminum 6061-T6 45,000 40,000 60 2720
Aluminum 5052-H32 33,000 28,000 2680
Aluminum 3003 22,000 21,000 20 to 25 2730
Steel A36 58-80,000 36,000 7800
Steel Grade 50 65,000 50,000 7800
Yellow Brass 40,000 55 8470
Red Brass 49,000 65 8746
Copper 28,000 10 8940
Phosphor Bronze 55,000 78 8900
Aluminum Bronze 27,000 77 7700-8700
Titanium 63,000 37,000 80 4500

Practical Applications

Engineering and construction: The nuts and bolts

When choosing the metal for construction or engineering, it’s not just essential but critical.

How to Choose the Right Metal for Structures that Support Load

Steels with high strength are often the first choice for structures that must withstand heavy loads. Here, the yield and ultimate strength metrics play a vital role in determining the integrity of a system. The consequences of making the wrong choice could be catastrophic.

Automotive Industry – Where every gram counts

The automotive industry is constantly in need of solid and lightweight materials.

High-Strength Steel vs. Aluminum

Steel with high strength is the best choice for its combination of cost and power. Aluminum is becoming more popular due to its lighter weight, which leads to improved fuel efficiency. Metal Strength Chart will help you find the perfect balance between weight and strength.

Aerospace Industry: Soaring Higher

When weight and strength are critical, superalloys and titanium often become the material of choice.

Why Titanium and Superalloys are Important

Titanium is a lightweight metal with an incredible strength-toeight ratio. It’s perfect for components that need to be strong and light. Superalloys can withstand extreme temperatures. This is a challenge that many aerospace applications face.

Aerospace Industry

Future Trends

Material Science Innovations – The Next Frontier

As we move forward, new materials that could rewrite the Metal Strength Charts are emerging.

Graphene Infused Metals

Imagine a metal that is both incredibly strong and remarkably light. Graphene-infused metals promise to revolutionize industries. Sectors like aerospace and automotive design require these properties.

Nanocomposite Metals

Scientists can create nanocomposite materials with unheard-of properties by manipulating metals on the nanoscale. Imagine metals resistant to extreme heat or high impact. They are perfect for engineering applications in which failure is not an alternative.

The Green Revolution: Sustainability Issues

What about our planet? As industries grow, so do our responsibilities toward environmental sustainability.

Recycling High-Strength Metals

Recycling is not just for plastics or paper. Future methods for recycling high-strength materials will reduce waste and require less new material.

Eco-Friendly Alternatives

The industry is slowly embracing bio-based materials and eco-friendly alternatives. These alternatives are not metals but have exciting properties such as biodegradability or low weight.


Metal strength charts are beneficial and essential for anyone purchasing metal components. This chart lets you make informed decisions and ensures that the metal selected suits your needs. We are more than suppliers at Shengen; we are your partners for quality and efficiency. Thank you for considering Shengen for all your sheet metal fabrication needs.


More Resources:

Factors Affecting Metal Strength – Source: ScienceDirect

Steel: The Most Sustainable – Source: AISC

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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