Have you ever wondered how tiny electronic components are attached perfectly to PCBs without problems? Laser soldering is the answer! This technique is efficient, fascinating, and increasingly important in electronics manufacturing.

Laser soldering uses a laser to melt metals and other materials to join them. Laser soldering allows for precise control and has a smaller area of heat affected. The laser beam heats the workpiece to the temperature necessary to melt and join the materials.

Are you curious about the benefits of laser soldering for your electronic projects or manufacturing process? Stay tuned as we reveal the ins and outs of laser soldering and some valuable insights.

Basics of Laser Soldering

What is laser soldering?

Define the Process

We use laser soldering at Shengen as a sophisticated method to join metal parts. A laser beam melts the solder precisely and then cools down, creating a solid bond. This method is crucial for creating intricate, durable connections in our product.

What is different from traditional soldering

Laser soldering does not require direct contact, as traditional soldering requires. It is ideal for delicate components because it eliminates mechanical stresses. It also allows greater control of the heat applied to reduce the risk of thermal damage.

Laser Soldering: The Mechanics

Components that Make Up a Laser Soldering System

Our facility’s typical laser soldering setup includes a laser, a focusing device to direct the beam precisely, and a solder feeding mechanism. A control system is also essential for setting the laser parameters according to the task.

Soldering with Lasers

In soldering, the laser acts as a heat source. The laser beam heats the solder and causes it to melt, which allows it to flow in the joint. After cooling, the solder solidifies and forms a strong bond. The precision of this process is unmatched and allows us to meet the high-quality standards that our clients demand.

Types of lasers used in soldering

Fiber lasers: Precision and control

We use fiber lasers for the majority of precision soldering. They provide exceptional beam quality control, energy distribution, and focal spot size. They are an excellent tool for precise work.

Diode lasers: Versatility and Efficiency

The versatility and efficiency of diode lasers is highly valued. You can adjust them for soldering tasks, from delicate electronic components to more robust mechanical parts. They are versatile tools in our manufacturing process because of their adaptability.

CO2 lasers: Power and depth

CO2 lasers offer the best performance for tasks that require a deeper penetration. They can solder thicker materials because of their longer wavelength. This makes them ideal for stronger joints and more durable components.


Electronics Manufacturing: a New Standard

Laser soldering is a revolution in electronics manufacturing. It has raised the bar for accuracy and reliability. We at Shengen have harnessed technology to meet the ever-increasing demand for smaller, more complex electronic devices. Laser soldering’s ability to reach minuscule parts without damaging sensitive components makes it a valuable tool.

Aerospace and Automotive: Unmatched precision

Aerospace and automotive industries need components that are not only precise but can also withstand extreme temperatures. The precision and strength of laser soldering make it a perfect solution for these industries. Using this advanced technology, We can create perfectly sized components, perform reliably, and withstand the stress of aerospace and automobile environments.

Medical Devices: Ensure Reliability & Safety

Medical devices are high-stakes. These devices are critical to patient safety and health and must work flawlessly. The ability of laser soldering to create precise, strong bonds without contaminating components or compromising integrity makes it a vital process in the production of medical products. We can ensure that all the medical devices we produce, including surgical instruments, implants, and diagnostic equipment, comply with the industry’s strict standards.

Medical Devices

Benefits of Laser Soldering

Precision and control enhanced.

Laser soldering offers greater precision and control. We use this technology at Shengen to ensure every component is soldered perfectly and according to specification. It is essential to have this precision when working with complex parts and miniatures, as even a slight deviation can cause a product to fail. We can create reliable solder joints by precisely controlling the laser’s location, intensity, and duration.

Minimal Thermal Stress Components

Laser soldering minimizes thermal stress on the components it solders. The laser can be focused precisely on the solder joint, thus limiting heat exposure to surrounding areas. This matters a lot for sensitive components that heat could damage. It ensures the component’s functionality and reliability. We reduce heat-induced damage by minimizing thermal stresses. This leads to better-quality parts and greater satisfaction from our customers, who depend on us for precision parts.

Increased production speed and efficiency

Laser soldering has increased the overall speed and efficiency of our production. It is faster than the traditional soldering method because the solder can be heated and cooled rapidly, reducing the amount of time required to create each joint. The ability to automate laser soldering allows us to achieve consistent results faster without sacrificing quality. This efficiency allows us to meet the deadlines set by our clients and save money, which we then pass on to our customers.

The process of laser soldering

Prepare for Laser Soldering

Material Concerns

Laser soldering is only successful if the material used is suitable. We carefully select materials compatible with laser-soldering at Shengen. This includes metal parts and the solder, which must have suitable melting points and thermal characteristics. It is essential to ensure the materials are compatible to create strong and durable bonds.

Designing Laser Soldering

When designing components for laser-soldering, it is essential to consider the accessibility of the area of the joint, the design of the joint to optimize solder flow, and the alignment and support of parts. From the placement of the components to the laser path, our engineering team plans every detail to ensure smooth and efficient laser soldering.

Step-by-Step Laser Soldering Process

Setup & Calibration

We calibrate and set up the laser system before we begin the soldering. The laser’s speed, power, and focus are adjusted to meet the project’s requirements. Our technicians are skilled at calibrating the laser to achieve the desired precision and strength.

Soldering Sequence

Soldering is a carefully planned process. The laser is first directed at the joint, quickly heating it to a melting point. The solder is then injected into the joint to create a bond. The laser controls the process for each joint. This ensures a consistent level of quality throughout the batch.

Inspection of the cooling process and post-processing

Components can cool down under controlled conditions after soldering to avoid thermal shock. After cooling, an in-depth post-process inspection takes place. We verify that every solder joint meets our strict quality control standards through visual inspections, mechanical tests, and, in some cases, electrical testing.

Best Practices for Safety and Security

Protecting Operators and the Environment

Laser soldering is a dangerous operation. We take strict safety measures to protect both our employees and the environment. This includes wearing protective eyewear and ensuring adequate ventilation to remove fumes created during soldering. We are committed to a safe workplace that minimizes the environmental impact.

Quality and Consistency

We adhere to the best practices developed over years of experience to ensure consistency and quality. Regular maintenance of our machines, continual operator training, and strict adherence to quality control procedures are all part of this. Following these practices allows us to consistently produce high-quality, reliable components, reinforcing our reputation as an industry-trusted partner.

Laser Soldering

Challenges and Solutions

Common challenges in laser soldering

Material Compatibility Issues

Material compatibility is one of the biggest challenges we face at Shengen regarding laser soldering. Different materials have different reflectivity, thermal conductivity, and melting points, which can impact the quality and efficiency of laser soldering. If managed properly, this can result in solid solder joints and damage to components.

Overcoming Equipment Cost Barriers

Initial costs for high-quality laser soldering machines can be significant. The investment includes more than just the laser system, safety and ventilation equipment, monitoring devices, and maintenance costs. This can be a significant barrier for manufacturers and small and medium enterprises.

Solution and Improvements

Innovative Material Treatments

We’ve developed innovative coatings and material treatments to improve the solderability. These treatments can alter the material’s surface properties, making it more conducive to laser soldering. We can improve the interaction between laser and material to achieve more robust, more reliable joints even when using materials that have traditionally been difficult to solder.

Cost-Effective Equipment Advancements

We have made significant progress in making laser soldering more affordable. Manufacturers have introduced smaller, more affordable laser-soldering systems. These systems still provide the precision and control required for high-quality soldering. The rise of modular, scalable systems also allows businesses to begin with a small investment and expand as required.


Laser soldering is a significant advancement in manufacturing. It offers unparalleled precision, efficiency, and versatility. Our adoption and mastery of this technology at Shengen underscore our commitment to excellence and innovation. We have overcome the challenges of equipment cost and material compatibility to develop solutions that enhance our capabilities and ensure our clients’ success across industries such as electronics, aerospace, and medical devices.

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What materials can lasers be used to solder?

Laser soldering works on various materials, such as gold, silver, copper, brass, and aluminum. Choosing materials with compatible melting points and properties ensures a solid bond. We can now laser-solder a broader range of materials thanks to coatings and material treatment advances.

What is the cost of laser soldering compared to other methods?

Laser soldering is initially more expensive due to the equipment costs and setup requirements. The investment in laser technology will pay off over time due to the increased speed, precision, reduction of waste, and automation. The long-term costs of high-quality soldering are often more than offset by the benefits for businesses that require it.

Can laser soldering machines be automated?

Laser soldering fits seamlessly into automated production lines, requiring minimal human interaction. Automation not only improves production efficiency but also assures consistency in quality for large quantities of products. Laser soldering is ideal for industries that require consistency and reliability.

What safety concerns are there with laser soldering

Laser soldering poses several safety concerns, including the possibility of eye injury due to laser exposure and burns caused by the high temperatures. Safety measures include wearing protective eyewear and providing adequate ventilation for removing fumes. Operators should also receive safety training. Laser soldering equipment has safety features designed to minimize the risk of accidents.

What is the environmental impact of laser soldering?

Laser soldering produces less emissions and waste partly because of its precision and partly because the fluxes it uses are not harmful. Laser soldering is also more efficient and faster, reducing energy consumption per unit. As technology advances, laser soldering is anticipated to enhance environmental sustainability.


More Resources:

Automation in laser soldering – Source: AEI

Types of lasers used in soldering – Source: Keyence

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee


For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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