In manufacturing, achieving the pinnacle of product performance and aesthetic appeal depends on the art of surface preparation. Alodine coatings stand out in this field by providing unparalleled protection against corrosion, abrasion, and tearing. This approach improves product durability and longevity and simplifies the manufacturing process with its efficiency and simplicity.

Want to know more? Stay with us, and let’s explore the details of alodine coatings, from their definition to their application.

Alodine Coating Basics

Shengen builds its manufacturing process around the process of alodine coating. Let’s start with the basics and learn what Alodine is.

What is Alodine coating?

Alodine, or chromate conversion, is a chemical process for treating aluminum and other metals. It improves corrosion resistance and provides a good surface for adhesion. The process involves the application of a chemical layer that reacts to the metal surface and forms a protective coating. Alodine is a coating that offers significant protection while maintaining the metal’s ability to conduct electricity.

Alodine solutions comprise various chemicals, usually hexavalent or trivalent salts. Mixing these compounds with water or other chemicals causes a reaction with the metal surfaces. This reaction forms a protective layer. The film is fragile, less than 0.25 um (0.00001 inch), but provides an essential barrier to corrosion.

Alodine Coating: Science Behind It

When we apply it to the surface, a chemical reaction occurs between the solution and the metal. This chemical reaction creates a chromate layer, a mixture of chromium dioxide and other metallic oxides. This layer characterizes Alodine-coated metallic surfaces, making them more resistant to corrosion.

Alodine Chromate Conversion Coating Types

We adhere to MIL-DTL-5541, which defines two types of Alodine finish: Type I and Type 2. These standards allow us to meet international requirements and ensure the best possible results for our customers.

MIL-DTL-5541 Standard (TYPE I)

The MIL-DTL-5541.1 standard defines Type I as coatings containing hexavalent chrome. This coating type is known for its outstanding corrosion resistance. The aerospace, automotive, and construction industries use it. Hexavalent chrome contributes to coating durability and the ability to protect metal parts from harsh environmental conditions.

MIL-DTL-5541 Standard (TYPE II)

The MIL-DTL-5541 standard specifies that manufacturers must use Type II coatings without hexavalent chromium. Instead, they use trivalent chromium, which poses fewer environmental and health risks. Type II coatings offer excellent corrosion resistance and are ideal for many applications.

MIL-DTL-5541 Standard Type I Type II
Chromates Hexavalent Chromate Trivalent Chromate
Class 1A Maximum corrosion protection Maximum corrosion protection
Class 3 Improved electrical conductivity with corrosion protection Improved electrical conductivity with corrosion protection

How does Alodine Coating work?

Understanding the process is essential to ensuring that the coating will be effective and, in the end, ensure the durability and reliability of our metal products. Let’s examine the alodine coating process.

Type 1 Chromating process

Step 1: Cleanse the metal product

First, one must clean the metal thoroughly. Removing all surface contaminants, including dirt, grease, and grime, is essential.

Step 2: Etch your product

Etching is the next step after cleaning. This process prepares the surface further by dissolving lightly the outer layer of metal.

Step 3: Deoxidize

The surface must be utterly oxidation-free before the chem-film can be applied.

Step 4: Apply Chem Film Coat

The core of the Alodine process is applying the chemical film. The metal, which has been cleaned and prepared, is immersed or sprayed in the Alodine Solution. This solution forms a protective conversion layer on the metal surface by reacting with it.

Step 5: Final wash

The final step involves a thorough rinse with deionized distilled water. Next, workers neutralize the surface to eliminate leftover chemicals from the coating process. They dry the metal product after washing it.

Type 2 Chromating process

Type 2 chromating is a coating conversion process that uses trivalent chrome instead of hexavalent chrome, minimising environmental impact without compromising quality. We’ll look at two main steps in the Type 2 process: the Acid Cleaning Process (ACP) and the Alkaline Cleaning Process.

Acid Clean Process

  • You can clean your product thoroughly with an acid solution.
  • Rinse thoroughly with water after acid cleaning to remove any residue cleaner.
  • Apply Type 2 Alodine precisely.

Alkaline Clean Process

  • To clean your product, start with an alkaline cleaning solution. Remove all contaminants, including grease, oils, and other contaminants.
  • The alkaline cleaner can be removed by rinsing the component in water.
  • Deoxidize the air to remove any oxygen contaminants.
  • Rinsing with water removes all chemicals used in the preparation.
  • Then, one applies Type 2 Alodine to the fully prepared surface.

Alodine Coating Benefits

The benefits of alodine are numerous, and it is a valuable process for our manufacturing. We’ll explore three main benefits: improved paint adhesion, corrosion resistance, and electrical conductivity.

Corrosion resistance

Alodine’s exceptional corrosion resistance is one of its primary benefits. This protective layer works as a barrier to prevent moisture, salts, and other environmental elements from reacting with metal surfaces.

Paint Adhesion Improved

Alodine creates a rougher microscopic surface, which helps the paint adhere to the metal better. This increased adhesion creates a finish that is more durable and lasts longer. It also reduces the likelihood of it peeling off or blistering.

Electrical Conductivity

Alodine is a non-insulating coating. This is especially beneficial for applications that require electrical continuity, such as grounding.

Alodine Coating Applications

Alodine is a critical industry component that requires performance, safety, and longevity. Explore the essential applications of Alodine in the aerospace and defense industry, automotive industry, electronics, and electrical components.

Aerospace and Defense

In these fields, components must be able to withstand extreme environments. This includes the harsh, high-altitude environment and the heat generated by engine parts. Alodine provides a lightweight yet durable barrier against corrosion and wear. This extends the service life for aircraft and defense equipment. Its ability to maintain electrical conduction is also crucial for grounding electrical systems aboard.

Automotive Industry

The Alodine coat increases the corrosion resistance of components exposed to harsh environments, road chemicals, and other harmful substances. This enhances vehicle longevity and reliability. Alodine’s improved adhesion to paint ensures that functional and aesthetic components retain their appearance.

Electronics and Electrical Components

The ability of allodins to maintain metal conductivity is just as important in electronic and electrical component applications as their corrosion resistance. It ensures that connectors, housings, and switches can withstand environmental stress without compromising performance. The coating is essential for the electronics industry because it ensures that products meet stringent conductivity and signal integrity requirements and are durable.

Alodine vs. Anodizing: What’s the Difference?

However, both anodizing and allodin play significant roles in the conversion coatings field. Compare their differences.


The Alodine process is a simple chemical reaction that involves immersing the metal in a solution to form a protective coating without any electrical input. Anodizing, an electrolytic process that uses an electric current to stimulate a chemical reaction, provides durable protection against corrosion and wear.

The Effect of Using

Alodine is known for having a minimal impact on the part’s dimensions. It adds only 0.00001-0.00004 inches of surface area. Anodizing can add a thicker layer ranging from 0.00001 inch in Type I to 0.001 inch in Type III. This will affect the final dimensions of the component more significantly.


Both treatments are excellent at enhancing corrosion resistance. However, the end use of each treatment is different. Anodizing is an excellent choice for applications that require a pleasing aesthetic finish. It comes in a wide range of colors. Manufacturers choose Alodine for its protective properties, especially when maintaining the metal’s original appearance is crucial.


Alodine finishes are generally cheaper than anodizing. Therefore, it is a good option for projects with a strict budget. It’s also essential to consider the alodine and project size since these can affect the overall cost-efficiency.

Maintenance and Troubleshooting

Alodine-coated surface maintenance and troubleshooting are essential to ensuring longevity and effectiveness.

Alodine Coated Surfaces: How to Maintain Them

Regular Inspection and Cleaning

  • Routine Inspections: Perform routine inspections on Alodine coated surfaces to detect any signs of wear or damage. Early detection of issues can lead to timely corrections.
  • Gently Cleaning: Clean surfaces using mild, non-alkaline cleaning products and soft cloths. Abrasive or harsh chemicals can damage the coating. To prevent water marks, rinse thoroughly with clean water. Dry with a soft cloth or let it air dry.

Repair and Touch-Up Procedures

  • Surface preparation: Before any touch-ups, ensure the area is clean and contaminant-free. If necessary, lightly rub the surface to improve the adhesion of touch-up paint.
  • Touch-Up Coating Application: Use an Alodine solution that matches the original coating and apply it to the affected areas with care. You should follow the same procedure as the initial coating, which includes proper rinsing and drying.
  • Quality check: After the repairs, inspect the area and ensure that the touch-up has restored both the protective and aesthetic properties of the coating.

Troubleshooting common issues

Peeling and flaking

  • Cause This is often due to improper surface preparation or contamination before coating.
  • Solution: Remove and clean the coating and prepare the surface. Reapply Alodine following the correct procedure.

Discoloration or Staining

  • Cause: Exposure to harsh chemicals or pollutants can cause damage.
  • Solution: Cleanse the surface using appropriate cleaners. If the discoloration continues, you may need to touch or reapply the Alodine.


Alodine is crucial in manufacturing and maintaining metal parts for various industries. Our dedication to quality and durability, as well as customer satisfaction, is what drives Shengen’s meticulous application of Alodine. This process improves metal parts’ corrosion resistance, electrical conductivity, and adhesion for subsequent paint application.

Do you need a reliable sheet metal parts manufacturer? Shengen is the place to go. We specialize in sheet metal laser cutting, bending, surface finish, and sheet metal welding.  Reach out to Shengen Today and seek help from professionals!


Alodine is used for what?

Use Alodine to enhance corrosion resistance, paint adhesion, and electrical conductivity without changing the part’s size.

How long will Alodine last?

Under normal conditions, Alodine coatings can last several years. However, in highly corrosive or harsh conditions, their lifespan may decrease. Regular maintenance is essential to maintain protection.

What are the risks of Alodine?

Health and environmental risks are the primary dangers associated with Alodine. Hexavalent chrome is toxic and carcinogenic. Therefore, strict safety measures are required when handling and applying the coating.

What are the limitations of Alodine Coating?

Alodine has many benefits, but its application is limited. It may not offer the same level of wear resistance as other coatings, such as anodized surfaces. Alodine is also thinner than other coatings, which can be beneficial in specific applications but may not work well for parts requiring thicker protection layers.

What is the temperature effect on Alodine?

The chemical reactions involved in forming the chromate conversion coating are temperature-dependent. The coating process must occur at a low temperature to complete the reaction correctly. Otherwise, the coating will be less effective. If the temperature is too high, it can speed up the reaction, leading to an uneven or brittle coating.


More Resources:

MIL-DTL-5541 Chemical Conversion Coating – Source: ENS

The Acid and Alkaline Clean Processes – Source: Linkedin

Exploring Eco-Friendly Metal Coatings – Source: Greenkote

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee


For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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