Are you curious about the stainless steel finishes? You are a professional working in R&D or manufacturing. You have to choose materials that are high-quality while also being cost-effective. 

The stainless steel finishes are vital in corrosion resistance, cleaning ease, and longevity. The finish has a direct impact on both the functionality and beauty of a final product.

What follows is a must-see. We will explore the topic in more detail and look at different types of finishes.

Stainless Steel Finishes

The Basics of Stainless Steel

What is Stainless Steel?

Alloys like stainless steel combine iron, chromium, and other elements like nickel, carbon, or molybdenum. The minimum 10.5% chromium content is the defining characteristic of stainless steel. This element gives stainless steel a natural resistance to corrosion by forming an oxide layer that self-heals on its surface. This layer protects the steel from moisture and oxygen. It is, therefore, highly durable and versatile. Because stainless steel is corrosion-resistant, it’s an excellent choice for industrial applications.

Stainless Steel Categories

Three major types of stainless steel are Austenitic (also known as ferritic), Martensitic (also known as Martensitic), and Ferritic.

Austenitic Stainless Steel

The most common type of stainless steel, Austenitic, contains between 16 and 26% chromium and up to 35% Nickel. We also include the addition of manganese and nitrogen to the steel in this category to ease heat-working. This steel is very formable, weldable, and resistant to corrosion. These steels are suitable for many applications due to their austenitic structures, such as kitchenware, chemical equipment, and architectural features.

Ferritic Stainless steel

Ferritic grades of stainless steel contain less nickel and more chrome, typically between 16-18%. This makes them cheaper than austenitic grades. They have a similar crystal structure to pure iron and are well known for their flexibility and corrosion resistance. However, they are less robust than austenitic steels and are used mainly in industrial equipment and interior architectural applications.

Martensitic Stainless Steel

The stainless steels are martensitic, containing 12-14% chrome and little or no nickel. Heat-treating them can improve their strength and hardness, making them ideal for applications that require high tensile and wear resistance. Cutlery, surgical tools, fasteners, and shafts are often martensitic stainless steel.

Why does the finish matter in Stainless Steel?


Let’s start with the obvious. Aesthetics are important. The look matters whether you are an architect creating a landmark or a procurement manager, like our esteemed Jack Garcia, choosing materials for automotive parts. For example, a smooth, mirror-like surface gives a sleek, modern look. The finish can enhance the aesthetics of a project and make it more appealing to clients or users. A premium finish can be a requirement in highly visual industries, like luxury consumer products or high-end automobile manufacturing.


Finishing is vital for durability. Consider heavy-duty machinery or auto parts that face constant exposure to harsh conditions. Durability is crucial in these applications. Durability is essential in these applications. Finishes like brushed or sandblasted ones provide a rugged appearance and added resistance to surface damage and scratches. We dedicate ourselves to delivering finishes that meet quality standards and withstand durability tests.

Resistant to corrosion

Did you know that the finish of stainless steel can enhance its corrosion resistance? Smoother finishes are more resistant to chemicals and moisture. This reduces the crevices in which particles can accumulate and cause corrosion. In the food and drink industry, cleanliness and hygiene are paramount. Correct finishing adds a layer of protection to the material against corrosive substances, helping it maintain its integrity over time.

Practical Applications

It is also essential to consider the practicality of your choice. A No. People commonly choose a No.4 finish with short, parallel polished lines for kitchen countertops and appliances because it balances aesthetics and functionality. Easy to maintain, as it is straightforward to clean. A finish that reduces friction is essential for our clients who work in R&D or aerospace. The right finish can affect not only the performance of the material but also its efficiency and reliability.

kitchen countertops and appliances

The key factors that influence the choice of stainless steel finishes

Applications for End-Use

The end-use of the stainless steel component is the most crucial factor in determining the finish. You may be working on the exterior trims of a luxury car or high-end consumer electronic devices. You might be like Jack Garcia and focus on automotive components. For optimal performance, different applications require different finishes. For aesthetic reasons, a mirror finish may be needed for a glossy, eye-catching appearance, whereas industrial machinery might benefit from a No. 2B or 4. The No. 4 finish is durable and resistant to wear.

Environmental Factors

Consider the environment where you will use the stainless steel part. Will it be exposed to chemicals or high temperatures? Or abrasive material? Indoors or outdoors? Will the weather be changing? For example, marine environments require finishes with superior corrosion resistance. Parts used in high-temperature applications require a finish resistant to thermal stress. We advise clients at Shengen on the best finishes to use based on environmental conditions to guarantee longevity and reliability.


Budget is important. Even though we would all like to choose the best option every time, budget constraints are often a deciding factor. Due to the extra processing required, high-end finishes such as polished or mirror finishes are more expensive. A high-quality finish can save money in the long term by reducing maintenance costs and extending material life. Shengen can help you strike the right balance between price and quality.

What is the role of texture in stainless steel finishes?

What is grain structure?

The grain structure is one of the first thoughts that come to mind when we discuss the texture of stainless. The grain structure is the arrangement of crystals at the microscopic level in the material. The material system can be affected in many ways, such as by heat treatment, rolling, or cooling rates. The grain structure of a material is more than merely a microscopical curiosity. It has measurable effects on mechanical properties such as strength and flexibility.

What is the effect of texture on appearance?

Texture has a significant impact on the aesthetics of a final product. The grain structure catches light in different ways and creates visual effects that can be subtle or dramatic. Consider brushed surfaces that add depth and elegance. Finishes like No. Mirror finishes like No. 8 achieve a smooth, high-reflective surface ideal for applications with a clean, pristine look. Understanding the role of texture will allow us to customize the aesthetic properties of stainless to meet specific needs.

Texture and functionality

Remember functionality. The texture of a material can influence how it interacts with the environment. A rough texture, for example, can increase the surface area and improve the adhesive properties of paints or coatings. A smooth texture, on the other hand, can reduce friction. This is important for moving or sliding parts. Textured surfaces can also hide minor scratches and fingerprints, making them perfect for areas with high traffic or frequently touched products.

What are the common types of stainless steel finishes?

Mill Finishes

Start with the basics. The mill finishes haven’t been treated with any chemicals or mechanically. The most common types include:

No.1 Finish

This finish is rolled hot and then annealed to produce a dull, slightly rough surface. This finish is used primarily in applications where the surface finish isn’t a primary concern, like in construction.

No.2D Finish

The No.2D finish has been cold-rolled and annealed but not pickled. The material features a dull surface and suits applications where corrosion resistance matters more than appearance.

No.2B Finish

It is a cold-rolled, bright finish. People use it for its high corrosion resistance and formability. This is the finish of choice for applications that balance aesthetics and functionality.

Finishes in Mechanical Finish

These finishes are achieved by mechanical processes such as polishing or grinding. Popular finishes include:

No.3 Finish

We achieve this finish by grinding the surface with an abrasive of approximately 100 grit, producing a semi-polished surface. This finish suits applications needing a polished look but not extreme corrosion resistance.

No.4 Finish

The No.4 finish is one step above the No.3 using an abrasive of 120-150 grit. This finish produces a satin-like finish on kitchen appliances and cabinets.

Finish No. 8

The No.8 finish is also known as the mirror finish. It is obtained by polishing the surface with successively finer and more extensive abrasives. This finish is ideal for aesthetic purposes and can be found on decorative items and high-end consumer goods.

Special Finishes

These custom-made finishes make a project stand out.

Coloured finishes

We can achieve colored finishes through an electrochemical process. They provide a unique appearance and are suitable for projects focusing on architecture or design.

Etched Finishes

These patterns are created by using acids or other chemicals on the surface of stainless steel, and they’re commonly used for art installations or signage.

Embossed finishes

This finish adds aesthetic value and improves grip by creating a raised or recessed pattern.

Etched Finishes

How are different stainless steel finishes achieved?

Mechanical Processes

We physically alter the stainless steel surface to produce a specific look or texture. Here are a few standard mechanical methods.

The following are some alternatives to the word “grind.”

Abrasive wheels remove surface imperfections, resulting in a smoother finish. This is the first stage in creating finishes such as No. 3 and No. 4.


Polishing uses finer and finer abrasives to achieve a smooth, reflecting surface. This is the key to attaining mirror finishes like No.8.


We use wire brushes or abrasive bands to achieve a unidirectional satin finish. The brushed finish is excellent at hiding fingerprints and minor scratches, which makes it popular on household appliances and consumer goods.

Chemical Processes

We use chemical reactions to change the surface of the material. They include:

Acid Pickling

We immerse the stainless steel in an acid solution along with other chemicals. Acid pickling removes scale, rust, and other surface contaminants. This provides a clean foundation for further finishing processes.


A thin layer of acid removes the free iron on the surface of stainless steel, making it more rust-resistant. We usually do this after polishing or grinding to enhance the material’s resistance to corrosion.

Heat Treatments

Heat treatments change the grain structure in the metal and affect its mechanical properties and appearance. The heat treatments include:


The steel is heated to a very high temperature and then cooled slowly. This process softens and makes the steel more malleable.


We temper an alloy to increase its strength. The metal is heated to below its critical point and allowed to cool down in still air for a specified period.

How do we measure and specify stainless steel finishes?


The gauge is the first factor to consider when specifying the thickness of sheet metal. The gauge numbers are inversely proportional to the thickness of the sheet metal. The correct gauge is crucial for the application, affecting structural integrity and surface finish. Due to their weight and size, thicker gauges require special finishes.

The roughness average (RA)

Roughness average, also known as RA or roughness, is a crucial metric for evaluating the texture of metal surfaces. This statistic measures the average deviation between the peaks and valleys of the character from the median line. People often express this in either microinches or micrometers. A lower RA indicates a more smooth finish. This is important for kitchen appliances and medical devices, where a smooth finish is essential for aesthetics and sanitary purposes.

RMS (Root-Mean Square)

RMS is a similar method to RA. Unlike RA, which uses the average to calculate the surface texture, RMS uses the square root of arithmetic means of the squares for all the profile points. RMS values are higher than RA values for the same surface because they give more weight to higher peaks and deep valleys. RMS is handy in more technical applications, where material functionalities like wear resistance are crucial.

Why does this matter? A slight difference in measurements can lead to a finish that doesn’t match the project specifications. These measurements are crucial to achieving your desired result, whether you are concerned about corrosion resistance or require a perfectly polished surface.

The roughness average (RA)

What is the best stainless steel finish for your application?

Kitchen Appliances

A balance between aesthetics and functionality is essential when choosing kitchen appliances. We recommend:

No.4 Finish

The No.4 finish has excellent scratch resistance and is easy to clean. It’s ideal for kitchen surfaces requiring frequent maintenance.

Finish No. 8

Nothing beats No.8 Mirror Finish for high-end appliances. The No.8 mirror finish gives devices a high-end look with its reflective surface.

Automotive Parts

Automobile parts must be durable and resistant to environmental factors. Here are some of our suggestions:

No. 1 Finish

The No. 1 finish is robust, and it offers excellent corrosion resistance. It’s ideal for parts exposed to the weather.

No.2B Finish

The No.2B is a popular finish for car trims and accessories. It combines durability and a moderate amount of reflectivity.

Architectural Elements

Architectural applications require finishes that are both visually appealing and functional.

Coloured finishes

The use of colored finishes is gaining popularity because they can add an aesthetic touch to architectural components. We use electrochemical processes to achieve uniform color and high wear resistance.

Etched Finishes

Etched finishes are an excellent option for projects that require intricate patterns or designs. They’re also durable and can be used to create a beautiful finish.

Making the Right Decision

Making an informed decision requires understanding your application’s specific requirements. We are experts in the field and will help you choose a finish to meet your aesthetic and functional needs.

Why are testing and quality control crucial for stainless steel finishes?

Testing Methods

We at Shengen use various testing methods to ensure that every product that leaves our facility meets the highest standards.

Hardness Testing

We use hardness tests to measure a material’s resistance to deformation. This test allows us to ensure that the metal can withstand impacts and friction.

Salt Spray Testing

We conduct salt spray testing for finishes that need corrosion resistance. These tests help us to determine how metals will perform under harsh conditions, such as high moisture or exposure to corrosive materials.

Visual Inspection

Humans can sometimes see what machines cannot. Our quality control team conducts meticulous visual inspections to catch any overlooked defects.

Durability and Quality Control

It’s not just a formality but a necessity to ensure the durability of a finish. If a finish passes our quality control measures, it will likely degrade rapidly, leading to corrosion or discoloration.

The Unseen value

We thoroughly test every product we send you to ensure it meets your needs and exceeds industry standards. Unseen is the value of knowing you have invested in a durable product.

Durability and Quality Control

How to Care and Maintain Stainless Steel Finishes

Routine Cleaning

All finishes require regular cleaning to avoid accumulating dirt, grime, and potentially corrosive substances like acids or salt.

Soap and water

Simple soap and warm tap water can do wonders regarding general cleaning. This solution is non-abrasive and works well on almost all finishes.

Stainless Steel Cleaners

Specialized stainless steel cleaners are available for stubborn stains and tarnish. We design these formulas to remove complex stains without harming the surface.

Unique Treatments For Different Finishes

Maintenance of different finishes requires a unique approach tailored to each finish’s specific characteristics.

Mill Finishes

Especially in industrial applications, it may be necessary to oil mill finishes such as No. 1 periodically to maintain their corrosion-resistant qualities.

Mechanical Finishes

The mechanical finishes No.4 and No.8 require less maintenance but may need to be polished occasionally to maintain their shine.

Special Finishes

If you have a unique finish colored or etched, it is best to check the manufacturer’s instructions. These finishes may contain special coatings, which could react negatively with common cleaning agents.

The Long-Term Benefit

Maintenance ensures your stainless steel products last as long as possible. This will ensure you get the most out of your investment. Proper care can make stainless steel look like new for many years and even decades. This is a testament to the durability and timeless appeal of this material.

What are the environmental considerations for stainless steel finishes?

Businesses are becoming more concerned about sustainability and the impact on the environment. This is a good thing. What role does stainless steel play in the sustainability equation? Let’s get started.

The Sustainability of the Economy

Recycling Stainless Steel

One can recycle stainless steel up to 60%. Recycling is not only an efficient way to reclaim valuable resources, but it also reduces the energy required for producing new steel.

Why Is This Important?

You can indirectly contribute to a circular economic system to reduce waste and carbon emissions by choosing stainless steel. We at Shengen are committed to sustainability and source recycled stainless steel wherever possible.

Environmental Impact of Finishing Processes

Chemical Use

We use chemicals in finishing processes like passivation and acid pickling. Chemical finishes like passivation or acid pickling remove impurities, improve corrosion resistance, and reduce environmental impact.

Waste Treatment

Treating waste responsibly is a priority for us. All waste chemicals from our finishing processes are neutralized to eliminate harmful elements before disposal. Additionally, we rigorously comply with all environmental regulations to minimize harm to the ecosystem.

The Bigger Picture

In today’s society, it is vital to understand the environmental impact of your decisions—every decision matters, whether choosing recycled materials or knowing the waste treatment process in place.

What are the factors that influence your choice of stainless steel finishes?

Everybody wants the best product, but they must stay within budget. How can you choose a stainless finish while balancing the costs? Let’s explore.

Cost Comparison of Various Finishes

Mill Finishes

Due to the fewer steps in processing, mill finishes such as No.1 tend to be less expensive. These finishes are perfect for industrial applications, where aesthetics is not a concern.

Mechanical Finishes

The cost of finishings such as No.4 and No.8 is higher because they require more materials and labor. They offer a more comprehensive range of aesthetics and functional benefits. From scratch resistance to high reflectiveness, they are more expensive.

Special Finishes

Due to the extra processing and equipment needed, colored, etched, and embossed finishes can be expensive.

How to balance quality and cost

Assess Needs

Identify what you need. Is corrosion protection a necessity? Are you looking for a mirror finish to achieve a particular aesthetic? Understanding your requirements will help you narrow your options.

Search Options

Consider alternatives that will meet your needs and are less costly. A slightly cheaper finish may be sufficient for the job without any noticeable difference in quality.

Consult experts

Do not hesitate to ask for professional advice. Shengen offers consultations that will help you to make the right decision for your application and budget.

The Win-Win Scenario

It is essential to strike a balance between quality and budget. With expert guidance, it’s possible.

Special Finishes

What are the best practices for choosing and maintaining your stainless steel finishes?

Navigating the stainless steel finishes world can be challenging, especially with different needs and budgets. What are the golden guidelines for choosing and maintaining stainless steel finishes?

Choose Your Stainless Steel Finishes

Understanding Your Needs

You need to know what you want. Are aesthetics or corrosion resistance more important to you? It is essential to define your needs to narrow down the options.

Research Widely

Refrain from settling for the first choice you see. Different finishes will suit your needs and are even more cost-effective.

Consult experts

Expert advice is invaluable. Consult professionals who know the subtleties of finishes. We offer tailored consultations at Shengen.

How to maintain your stainless steel finishes

Regular Cleaning

Regular cleaning is essential, regardless of the type of finish. For general maintenance, soap and water are often sufficient.

Know Your Finish

Different finishes require different care. Exceptional finishes, for example, may need to be cleaned with specific agents.

Preventative measures

If your application faces harsh conditions, you should apply protective coatings or treatments to extend the lifespan of the finish.

The Bottom Line

The right finish will enhance your investment by improving quality, functionality, and aesthetics. Maintenance is vital to ensuring your investment continues to pay off for many years.

What are the benefits of different stainless steel finishes in real-world applications? Case Studies

Case studies from real-world projects can give you valuable insights to help you make the best choices for your project. Let’s examine how different stainless finishes perform in various applications, ranging from kitchen renovations to industrial uses.

Case Study: Kitchen Renovation

What type of stainless steel finish is used and why?

A No.4 finish in stainless steel was the highlight of a high-end renovation project. Why? It is a perfect balance of aesthetics and function. Its brushed finish complements the modern kitchen decor and hides minor scratches.

What can we learn from it?

A mechanical finish such as No.4 can be a great choice when aesthetics and durability matter. This finish is both beautiful and forgiving. It’s perfect for areas where performance and appearance must coexist.

Case Study: Industrial Application

What type of stainless steel finish is used and why?

We selected a No. 1 mill finish for a wastewater treatment plant. Here, the priority was not aesthetics but high corrosion resistance and easy cleaning. The No.1 finish’s rough surface is ideal for these harsh environmental conditions.

Why Is This Important?

Function is often more important than aesthetics in industrial applications. Even when aesthetics is not essential, a mill finish such as No.1 can provide that durability.

Final Thoughts

These case studies show that the finish of stainless steel can make a massive difference to the success of any project. It is vital to match the stainless steel finish to the needs and constraints of an application, whether aesthetic or functional.


The right finish for your stainless steel product is essential to its appearance and performance. We’re committed to delivering high-quality finishes that meet your needs. Our mission is to ensure your success. Our mission is to ensure your success.

Do you need a reliable sheet metal parts manufacturer? Shengen is the place to go. We specialize in sheet metal laser cutting, bending, surface finish, and sheet metal welding. We place a high priority on establishing trust, maintaining standards of quality, providing competitive prices, and guaranteeing timely delivery. Reach out to Shengen Today and seek help from professionals!


More resources:

Sustainability Matters – Source: AISI

Stainless Steel Corrosion – Source: CorrosionPedia

Hey, I'm Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

For the past 10 years, I’ve been immersed in various forms of sheet metal fabrication, sharing cool insights here from my experiences across diverse workshops.

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Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

I have over ten years of professional experience in sheet metal fabrication, specializing in laser cutting, bending, welding, and surface treatment techniques. As the Technical Director at Shengen, I am committed to solving complex manufacturing challenges and driving innovation and quality in each project.

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