Copper has long been a crucial material in manufacturing due to its excellent electrical and thermal conductivity. With the rise of 3D printing technologies, manufacturers now leverage copper’s properties to create complex, high-performance parts. This guide explores the fundamentals, benefits, and applications of copper 3D printing.

구리 3D 프린팅이란 무엇입니까?

Copper 3D printing is additive manufacturing in which copper powder or wire is layered and fused to build a part. Traditional methods like casting and machining have trouble with copper, as its high reflectivity and heat conductivity make it challenging to work with.

Recent advances in laser and extrusion-based 3D printing have changed this. Manufacturers can now create detailed copper parts with high accuracy and efficiency.

How Does Copper 3D Printing Work?

Copper 3D printing transforms digital designs into physical parts using additive manufacturing. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how it works.

Design the 3D Model

Start with a digital 3D model created using CAD software. This model defines the shape, size, and features of the part.

Prepare the File

The 3D model is sliced into thin layers using specialized software. This creates a file that the 3D printer can read and execute.

Set Up the Printer

Load the copper powder or wire into the 3D printer. Ensure the build platform is clean and properly calibrated for accurate printing.

Print the Part

The printer deposits or melts the copper material layer by layer. Techniques like Selective Laser Melting (SLM) use a laser to fuse the powder, while Direct Energy Deposition (DED) melts wire or powder as it’s deposited.


After printing, the part may need additional steps like heat treatment, polishing, or machining to achieve the desired finish and properties.

구리 3d 인쇄

Properties of 3D Printed Copper

3D printed copper components demonstrate distinct properties compared to traditionally manufactured copper:

열 전도성

Copper’s excellent thermal conductivity makes it valuable for heat management applications. 3D printed copper typically achieves 85-95% of the thermal conductivity of wrought copper, depending on printing technology and parameters.

전기 전도도

Electrical conductivity is a key property for many copper applications. Current 3D printing technologies can achieve:

  • DMLS: 80-90% IACS (International Annealed Copper Standard)
  • EBM: 85-95% IACS
  • BMD: 75-85% IACS

기계적 성질

3D printed copper’s mechanical properties depend heavily on porosity, build orientation, and post-processing:

Mechanical Properties of 3D Printed vs. Traditional Copper

Current Copper 3D Printing Technologies

Several 3D printing technologies are compatible with copper. Each method has unique advantages and is suited for specific applications.

직접 금속 레이저 소결(DMLS)

DMLS uses a high-powered laser to melt copper powder. The laser follows the shape of each layer based on a 3D model. After each layer, the build platform lowers, and a new layer of powder spreads across the surface.

DMLS provides high accuracy (±0.1mm) and can produce parts up to 99.5% density. The process creates substantial parts, but copper’s high reflectivity makes it harder to absorb laser energy. New green and blue lasers have helped solve this problem.

전자 빔 용융(EBM)

EBM uses an electron beam instead of a laser to melt copper powder. The process happens in a vacuum, which prevents copper from oxidizing.

The electron beam is more energy-efficient than lasers and reduces stress in the printed parts. This lowers the chances of warping and distortion, which are common when printing copper.

Bound Metal Deposition (BMD)

BMD uses copper particles mixed with a polymer binder. The material is pushed through a nozzle, like in FDM printing. After printing, the part goes through a debinding step to remove the polymer, then sintering to fuse the copper particles.

BMD has some advantages. The equipment is cheaper, easier to use, and safer because it doesn’t involve loose metal powder. However, parts shrink by 15-20% during sintering, which must be considered in the design process.

바인더 제팅

Binder jetting works by spraying a liquid binder onto a bed of copper powder. A print head moves across the surface, adding the binder where needed. After each layer, the platform lowers, and a new layer of powder spreads.

The printed part called a “green” part, must undergo sintering to fuse the copper. This method is faster than laser or electron beam printing and can produce multiple parts simultaneously.

Technology Resolution Material Density 표면 마감 비용 속도 Complexity Capability
DMLS High (±0.05mm) 97–99% 좋은 높은 보통의 훌륭한
EBM Medium (±0.1mm) >99.5% 공정한 매우 높음 Fast Very Good
BMD Medium (±0.1mm) 95–98% 공정한 보통의 느린 좋은
바인더 제팅 Medium (±0.1mm) 92–97% 공정한 보통의 매우 빠름 좋은

Applications of Copper 3D Printing

Copper 3D printing is transforming industries by enabling the production of previously difficult or impossible parts to manufacture. Below are some key applications:

Industry 애플리케이션 이익
전자제품 Circuit boards, connectors, and antennas High electrical conductivity and design flexibility.
항공우주 Heat exchangers and cooling systems Lightweight, complex geometries, and efficient thermal management.
의료 Antimicrobial implants and instruments Corrosion resistance and biocompatibility.
자동차 Electric vehicle components Improved thermal management and reduced weight.
Energy Heat sinks and solar panel components Enhanced thermal conductivity and durability.

Benefits of Copper 3D Printing

Copper 3D printing offers several advantages, making it a valuable tool for engineers, designers, and manufacturers. Here’s a closer look at its key benefits.

자유로운 디자인

3D printing allows for complex geometries that traditional methods can’t achieve. You can create intricate internal structures, lightweight designs, and custom shapes tailored to specific needs. This flexibility opens up new possibilities for innovation.

재료 효율성

Additive manufacturing uses only the material needed to build the part, reducing waste. Unlike subtractive methods, which cut away excess material, 3D printing adds material layer by layer, making it a more sustainable option.

비용 절감

While the initial setup can be expensive, 3D printing often reduces costs in the long run. It eliminates the need for costly tooling and molds, especially for 프로토타입 그리고 소량 생산. It also speeds up the design-to-production cycle.


Copper’s excellent thermal and electrical conductivity enhances the performance of 3D-printed parts. Whether it’s a heat exchanger, electrical component, or custom tool, copper 3D printing delivers durable, high-performance results.

Challenges and Considerations

While copper 3D printing offers many benefits, it also has unique challenges. Understanding these can help you plan and optimize your projects.

High Reflectivity

Copper’s reflective nature makes it difficult for lasers to melt the powder consistently. This can lead to uneven melting and affect the quality of the final part. Specialized equipment and precise laser settings are often needed to overcome this issue.

열 전도성

Copper’s high thermal conductivity can be both a benefit and a challenge. While it’s great for heat management, it also means heat dissipates quickly during printing, making it harder to maintain the right temperature for proper layer fusion.


Copper oxidizes quickly when exposed to air, weakening the part and affecting its surface quality. Printing in an inert gas environment, like argon or nitrogen, helps prevent oxidation and ensures better results.

후처리 요구사항

After printing, copper parts often need additional steps like 열처리, 세련, or machining. These processes improve the part’s strength, surface finish, and overall quality but add time and cost to the production cycle.


Copper 3D printing has changed manufacturing by allowing more design freedom and better performance. While there are still challenges, new technology is making the process more practical for more applications.

At Shengen, we are dedicated to offering complete manufacturing solutions. We combine advanced technologies like copper 3D printing with our expertise in sheet metal fabrication to meet our customers’ needs.

If you want to leverage the benefits of copper 3D printing, we’re here to help. 문의하기 today to discuss your needs and discover how we can bring your designs to life with precision and efficiency. 

FAQ: Copper 3D Printing

What is the cost difference between 3D printed copper and traditional copper manufacturing?

3D printed copper typically costs 3-5 times more per unit volume than traditionally manufactured copper. However, this cost differential decreases significantly for complex geometries where traditional manufacturing would require multiple operations or assembly steps.

What is the largest size possible for 3D printed copper parts?

Current commercial systems offer build volumes ranging from 250×250×250mm to 500×500×500mm. Larger parts are possible through joining multiple printed sections.

How does the conductivity of 3D printed copper compare to traditional copper?

Most 3D printed copper achieves 80-95% of the electrical conductivity of wrought copper, depending on the printing technology, parameters, and post-processing treatments.

Can 3D printed copper be used in high-temperature applications?

Yes, 3D printed copper maintains excellent properties at elevated temperatures, making it suitable for applications operating at temperatures up to 800°C, depending on the specific alloy and manufacturing method.

What post-processing is typically required for 3D printed copper?

Common post-processing steps include heat treatment to relieve internal stresses, hot isostatic pressing to reduce porosity, surface finishing to improve conductivity, and machining for critical dimensions or features.

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