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لمسة نهائية من انفجار الخرزة

إتقان إنهاء انفجار الخرزة: دليل شامل

Bead blast finish is a surface preparation process that improves the surface of metal parts by spraying fine glass or steel beads at high pressure. It removes rust, paint, or other contaminants while giving the part a semi-polished or satin finish.

Bead blasting is widely used for finishing metal parts to improve their appearance, increase corrosion resistance, and prepare surfaces for additional coatings.

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الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ تخميله

كيفية تخميل الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ: الدليل النهائي

Stainless steel passivation is a chemical treatment designed to remove free iron and other contaminants from the surface. This process restores the steel’s natural oxide layer, which enhances its corrosion resistance.

Typically, the treatment involves immersing the steel in an acid solution, such as nitric or citric acid, followed by rinsing and drying to ensure a clean and durable surface.

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تلميع كهربائيا

Electrolytic Polishing: Techniques, Benefits, and Applications

Electropolishing is an electrochemical process that removes material from the surface of a metallic workpiece, typically stainless steel or similar alloys.

This technique enhances surface finish and corrosion resistance by selectively dissolving high points in the metal surface, resulting in a smoother, more reflective finish.

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